Dental Market

Información sobre Dental Market instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instalados

Odoo Marketplace Seller Price Comparison
Show different offered prices for a product from different sellers on your marketplace. the sellers can post their price for the product on the Odoo Marketplace.
Marketplace Buyer Seller Live Chat
With this module, the customers can chat with their sellers in the Odoo marketplace.
Odoo Marketplace Seller Shipping
Now ship products by your shipping methods in Odoo!!
Odoo Marketplace Seller Wise Checkout
The module allows the customer to split the order seller wise. The products are divided at the checkout according the respective sellers and the customer can now pay for each seller separately.
Odoo Multi Vendor Marketplace
Start your marketplace in odoo with Odoo Multi-Vendor Marketplace. Allow Multiple sellers to sell their products on your marketplace website.
De presupuestos a facturas
Facturas y pagos
Sitio web
Constructor de sitio web empresarial
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos online
MuK Backend Theme
Odoo Community Backend Theme
Odoo Rest Api
The module create RESTful API for Odoo and allows you to access and modify data using HTTP requests to manage fetch and manage data from the Odoo.
Odoo Google Tag Manager | Odoo GTM
Google Tag Manager - GTM script
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Centralice su libreta de direcciones
Chat en vivo
Chatea con los visitantes de tu sitio web